• fanfic,  King Alfred of Wessex

    The Last Kingdom Fanfic

    The following fanfic is simply called “The Last Kingdom Fanfic” and written by jasminecanada. In this story, King Alfred gets very sick and is cured by princess Gisla, who came with her husband Rollo to attend a royal wedding. When Alfred takes his crown off, he already feels better, but he is not completely healed. Gisla finds a prayer to heal him in his Enchiridion (his notebook) in which she draws a Chi Rho sign. Alfred and Gisla talk about friendship between their peoples and Alfred explains how friendship feels for the Anglo-Saxons.

  • medieval studies,  the medium formerly known as TV

    Princess Gis(e)la of France

    Special interests are one of the most common characteristics of people with autism*, and in my experience, they often come as a surprise. While watching Netflix’ series Vikings to examine the portrayal of King Alfred, a new “fixation” stroke me like lightning. Since her first appearance in Vikings, I became utterly obsessed with fascinated by princess Gisla. So, I did as I always do – googling & reading – and below are the results. An abridged version of this post is also published in the Ancient History Encyclopedia.