Current artistic research projects
Next to my academic research, I am also involved in artistic research. On this page, you can read more about my current artistic research projects.
Fantasy Art
On the occasion of the Afternoon of the Fantastic Book on Saturday 25 February, I am showing no less than 32 canvasses of Fantasy Art in a solo exhibition in the main hall of the library on the Neude in Utrecht. The exhibition is called “Verbeeldingen“, which is Dutch for “Imaginations” and can be visited for free, from 17 -25 February 2023.
Artistic Research for the Japan Fans
Looking for Japanese art and culture in Utrecht? At this moment, I am working on two projects for the Japan Fans Foundation, an organisation that began as a group of friends and grew into an official company, that strives towards establishing a Japanese Art & Culture Centre in Utrecht. (Read more about the very beginnings of Japan Fans Utrecht.)
The Spirit of Kanji (artistic research project)
From September onwards, I will be exhibiting and publishing my calligraphic artworks and the accompanying interviews with Utrecht inhabitants of Asian descent, who have a connection with Kanji.
A large Japan Fans exhibition of posters about this project is currently on display on the first floor of the Utrecht City Office (just behind the station). On Monday-Friday, free admission. You can read more about this project via Japan Fans.
Playing Ghibli piano music for elderly people
Since last Summer, I play free piano concerts with music from Studio Ghibli films in care homes in the Utrecht area. You can read more about it via Japan Fans. Below is an item about this Ghibli concert series on Dutch national radio 4:
To stay updated on Japan Fans current artistic research projects & events, you can sign sign up for the Japan Fans newsletter via their website.