Gumisie i Mówiące Drzewo
In the depths of the internet, there are many hidden treasures to be found. One of them is this Polish medieval mashup by Nvilia, an example of what I call “parent fiction” – fan fiction written by adults for children. With the help of my Polish teacher Sławomir, I managed to craft an English translation. Enjoy! 😉
Under the Sea
A new piece of Chobits fan fiction! AO3 user Katakatica wrote this short story about Diver Clad encountering a Cyborg Mermaid…
Qualupalik and the Father
In a remote village, some workers are building a bridge, but are scared away by vampire mermaids. Some are pale with long dark hair and glowing red eyes and their tails resemble snake tails. Others have green skin, and long fingernails, such as Qualupalik. Read this creepy story about a Vampire Mermaid written by Scott L Vannatter.
Daffodils and Dinosaurs
A new piece of fanfiction in the intertexual narrative of the Cyborg Mermaid! 😀 Published author Katelynn E. Koontz wrote this short story about the prehistoric world that was spoken about while the Cyborg Mermaid was in her spaceship towards earth. Thank you, Katelynn!
Sedna the Inuit Goddess (revisited)
In Oceanopolis, I encountered a beautiful and intriguing mermaid. It was an artefact of Inuit art – goddess Sedna. Touched by the small statue and the fascinating myth behind it, I would like to share the story of Sedna with you, by means of some creative writing on my blog.
The cyborg mermaid – a chobits fan fiction
Another original piece of fan fiction on this blog. 🙂 Clonroise from Tumblr account @underneathoursouls wrote a Chobits fan fiction about the cyborg mermaid, with many Irish influences. The use of different fonts refers to inner monologue in this piece and the use of Irish will be translated at the end of the work and is written in italics.
The Zombie Mermaid
An original fan fiction by Katelynn E Koontz, author of Wind Whisperer (2014).