A gorchest Prydain: The United Kingdom through Asterix’s eyes
Last year, my friend Wouter and I wrote this article for Kelten – the periodical of the A. G. van Hamel Foundation for Celtic Studies. With their permission, we now republish it in English. With many thanks to my co-author for his translation.
We Vikings
Tomorrow, this “museum mouse” shall be in Leeuwarden, once again, to visit the Frisian Museum! Therefore, it seemed about time to publish an English translation of my review of their last exhibition, that was published in Kelten (*click*). Celtic/Viking art styles cheat sheet included! 😉
The cyborg mermaid – a chobits fan fiction
Another original piece of fan fiction on this blog. 🙂 Clonroise from Tumblr account @underneathoursouls wrote a Chobits fan fiction about the cyborg mermaid, with many Irish influences. The use of different fonts refers to inner monologue in this piece and the use of Irish will be translated at the end of the work and is written in italics.