Budoka in Quarantine
As a scholar and a musician, I can carry on with my work. Of course, things have changed – conferences became Zoom calls and concerts got replaced by recordings, for example. Still, I feel that I continue to grow in both areas from the safe place of my home. But how does this work for a martial artist? In this writing, I would like to share the various ways in which I currently work on my martial arts journey, and show you one of my “kata study drawings” as an example. It is my hope that by sharing our ideas, we can support and inspire each other to stay happy…
Things to do @ home alone
Last week was a regular and normal week for me. I had my rehearsals, my work at the library, my trainings, a meeting for the Phd. I went out with friends, had a party where I shared glasses and cutlery, grappled with my senpai & kohai, hugged with sensei. But we live in a different world now. A world in which we are told to “maintain social distancing” to “flatten the curve”. This change of routine is unpleasant for me, as I am attached to my schedule, my structure. But being at home is no problem at all, on the contrary, my home is my castle, an Aspergirls’ Paradise. My…