• goal setting

    New Year’s Resolutions 2021

    It was and is a strange year, 2020. Nevertheless, a lot of great things have happened for me personally. I have been given many good opportunities and therefore I could achieve almost all of my 2020 goals. So now, on these (for me) “Churchless” Christmas Days, just days away from 2021, it is time to write my New Year’s resolutions for 2021! And I hope that these will also inspire you to enter 2021 with a wish to make the world a better place.

  • iaido,  karate,  kendo,  kobudo,  martial arts,  Personal Development,  Zanshin

    Combined motivations in kendo and iaido

    In the last issue of Zanshin (2020-2), I wrote about the challenges of continuing your dō in these times of Corona. After its publication, many people reached out to me, mostly with questions on how to keep motivated enough for all these self-directed activities. Therefore, in the following article, I would like to share some more tips on how to keep your (budo) spirits up.

  • goal setting

    Things to do @ home alone

    Last week was a regular and normal week for me. I had my rehearsals, my work at the library, my trainings, a meeting for the Phd. I went out with friends, had a party where I shared glasses and cutlery, grappled with my senpai & kohai, hugged with sensei. But we live in a different world now. A world in which we are told to “maintain social distancing” to “flatten the curve”. This change of routine is unpleasant for me, as I am attached to my schedule, my structure. But being at home is no problem at all, on the contrary, my home is my castle, an Aspergirls’ Paradise. My…

  • goal setting

    New Year’s resolutions 2020

    “What’s your resolution?” Facebook once asked me. And I thought “Umm, just 1024 x 768, why?” . Oops. But of course, I do have many wishes and dreams for 2020! Below, I’ve posted a selection of my goals and I hope that this blogpost will inspire others to write down their New Year’s resolutions as well. Oh and some tips – grounded in neuropsychology – for sticking to them can be found here. Happy New Year! 🙂

  • (neuro)psychology,  goal setting

    How to stick to your New Year’s resolutions

    “What’s your resolution?” Facebook asked me. And I thought “Umm, just 1024 x 768, why?” . Oops. But of course, I do have many wishes and dreams for the year(s) to come! And as a student of neuropsychology, I might be able to help others to achieve their goals by giving some tips. Therefore, I talked about this with journalist Robbert Minkhorst for a story in “FIT”, the health supplement of various local and regional Dutch newspapers (the Noord-Hollands Dagblad, Haarlems Dagblad, Leidsch Dagblad and de Gooi and Eemlander). And worked out an English version of my rambling for this blog. 😉