• fanfic,  King Alfred of Wessex,  The Witcher

    The Witcher x King Alfred

    Robyn aka DxTURA just made a dream come true: he wrote this awesome fanfic in which The Witcher meets King Alfred, for which he used my translation of the first story as well as my own fanfic about King Alfred. Yeah! What a great way to start the new year! ^_^ Thank you so much, Robyn.

  • bisexuality,  fanfic,  King Alfred of Wessex

    Aethelflaed & Lagertha

    For my research about the historical reimagining of Alfred the Great, I am currently looking at fan fiction about The Last Kingdom, that includes one (or more) of the Alfredian (Anglo-Saxon / Old-English) psalm translations. The following story, by Bandi Crawford, features some romance between Lagertha (from Vikings) and Aethelflaed (from The Last Kingdom). Republished with permission of the author.

  • mermaids

    The cyborg mermaid – a chobits fan fiction

    Another original piece of fan fiction on this blog. 🙂 Clonroise from Tumblr account @underneathoursouls wrote a Chobits fan fiction about the cyborg mermaid, with many Irish influences. The use of different fonts refers to inner monologue in this piece and the use of Irish will be translated at the end of the work and is written in italics.