After finishing my Phd, I plan to continue with my research project on the representation of King Alfred the Great in 21st century multimedia (the overlapping areas of TV series, films, computer games, fan-art, re-enactment etc.) My aim is to show how by playing (with) Alfred, people (re-)write the stories about him to mirror and shape the author’s context.

Mussies, Martine. 2019. “Queering the Anglo-Saxons through Their Psalms.” In “Fan Fiction and Ancient Scribal Cultures,” edited by Frauke Uhlenbruch and Sonja Ammann, special issue, Transformative Works and Cultures, no. 31. https://doi.org/10.3983/twc.2019.1813. [Academia]

During my “Pitch the Past” presentation at the second Interactive Pasts Conference in Hilversum, the Netherlands (2018), I demonstrated the beta version of the app I created to teach myself some Old English [Anglo-Saxon].
At the Medieval Studies Day in Antwerp, Belgium (2019), I presented the outlines of this project to a specialized audience and got very valuable feedback (and this beautiful map).
At the International Medieval Congress in Leeds, the UK (2020), I presented a comparison of two 21st century computer games that feature Alfred the Great.
At Old English Fun Time Online (2020), I presented an analysis of a case of fan fiction featuring King Alfred.