The untitled mermaid story by Falcon follows the journey of a mermaid who is initially feared by a pirate crew but eventually becomes a cherished member of their family. As she grows, her power and influence increase, and she protects the crew from threats. The story explores themes of acceptance, love, and empowerment, challenging traditional gender roles and emphasizing the importance of chosen family.

“Beyond the Tides”, published by xx_AquaVerse_xx is a fanfiction in the style of Alice in Wonderland, that delves into the fluidity of gender and sexuality among mermaid characters from different racial and cultural backgrounds. It examines how the fanfiction challenges and expands upon traditional narratives of mermaid folklore, addressing the intersectional experiences of the characters. It was published in a private Facebook group in 2016 but is deleted since.

Originally published on LiVEJOURNAL and deleted since, this fanfiction explores the intersection of race and love within mermaid communities. It delves into the complexities of interracial relationships, experiences of marginalization, and the negotiation of cultural identities within the mermaid realm.