昔々、日本の海には美しい人魚が住んでいました。その人魚は、藍色の髪と真珠のような肌を持ち、歌うことが得意でした。人魚は、海中の美しい音楽を奏でることで、多くの人々を魅了しました。 ある日、人魚は海岸に近づき、偶然にも若い漁師に出会いました。漁師は、人魚の美しさに驚き、彼女を捕らえようとしました。しかし、人魚はすばやく逃げ出し、漁師が手に入れたのは、彼女の鱗の一枚だけでした。 その鱗を手にした漁師は、不思議な力を感じました。彼は、その鱗を使って、大漁を獲ることができました。しかし、人魚の鱗を手に入れた代償として、彼の漁業は次第に衰えていきました。 ある夜、漁師は再び人魚に出会いました。彼女は漁師に、自分の鱗を返してほしいと懇願しました。漁師は、人魚の美しさと歌声に魅了され、鱗を返すことにしました。 人魚は喜び、漁師にお礼を述べるために、美しい歌を歌いました。その歌声は、海に響き渡り、人々を幸せにしました。以来、漁師たちは、人魚に対して敬意を表し、彼女たちを大切に扱うようになったと言われています。 そして、今もなお、日本の海には美しい人魚が住んでいます。 In a rough translation: The MermaidOnce upon a time, a beautiful mermaid lived in the seas of Japan. The mermaid had indigo hair and pearly skin and was good at singing. The mermaid attracted many people with her beautiful underwater music. One day, the mermaid approached the shore and happened to meet a young fisherman. The fisherman was amazed by the mermaid’s beauty and tried to capture her. However, the mermaid quickly escaped and the fisherman obtained only one of her scales. With the scales in his hands, the fisherman felt a strange power. He was able to use the scales to catch a great catch. However, the price for acquiring the mermaid’s scales was that his fishing business gradually declined. …

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A piece of Zombie Mermaid fanfiction published under the name Luna Summers.

My name is Martine Mussies (pronunciation) and I am an artistic researcher & autistic academic. The drawing above is one of my avatars (which I do not resemble much, although it was partly based on this video) Welcome / Välkommen / Witaj / Добро пожаловать / ようこそ ! As a PhD student at the University of Maastricht, the Netherlands, I am writing my thesis about the Cyborg Mermaid, or to be more concrete: about the way modern media empower people to create new stories based on mermaid mythology. What fascinates me most about the study of fantastic beings is that the way in which we shape them tells us so much about what it means to be human. Besides my research, I am a musician, I do …

artistic researcher & autistic academic Read more »

With the August 2022 update of this website, I decided to add some more information about my shop and some examples of my services. What can I do for you? If you like my work and you want to support me. If you think we fit together. If you want to work together professionally… then feel free to explore the options below. Guestblogging & other writing services In addition to my academic work, I enjoy writing thought-provoking blogs and articles for more popular media, such as magazines and websites. My keywords are autism, films & series, (neuro)psychology, mermaids, martial arts and music. I also like to write about museums, language and travel. Let me know if you could use a guest writer. Record cello lines for your …

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