It is January 2021, and just over half way through the month, all around me I already heard and read about people who had given up on their good intentions. That is a pity – and unnecessary. Therefore, I wrote this guest blog for Jazzy Daze, about Planning with SPIRIT (vs. Planning with Ego) and: How to Stay Centered . In this post, I share some goal setting tricks, that will help you to plan with SPIRIT. Hope it helps!

Let it Go! Let it Go! 😉 – people with autism are notorious for their inability to let go – and I am no exception to this. That is why I wrote the following blog post for The Art of Autism: Letting Go is Difficult But Allows Us To Grow. A Dutch version was already published at Ik Overtref Me. Hope it helps! <3

New year's holiday concept

It was and is a strange year, 2020. Nevertheless, a lot of great things have happened for me personally. I have been given many good opportunities and therefore I could achieve almost all of my 2020 goals. So now, on these (for me) “Churchless” Christmas Days, just days away from 2021, it is time to write my New Year’s resolutions for 2021! And I hope that these will also inspire you to enter 2021 with a wish to make the world a better place.